Phani Raj
Software Engineer at PostHog

Imagine this , you just downloaded the Astoria V1.5 CTP1 and are happily chugging along and decide to make a Silverlight Project that uses the latest Silverlight client library to make some cool app. You open an existing Silverlight app  /create a new Silverlight app , and generate the client types by running “Add Service Reference” from Visual Studio. and write some code in the app and hit F5 to run the app . Now , Instead of seeing the...

As I mentioned in my last blog post , here are some samples of how to map your entity properties to Atom/custom markup in the atom:entry element. You can apply Friendly Feed mappings on the CLR entity types by decorating the Entity classes with the EntityPropertyMappingAttribute type. We will focus on the kinds of mappings and how to achieve them . 1) Mapping to ATOM elements in the atom:entry payload :  The EntityPropertyMapping (EPM) attribute has two constructors , one...

Hello all , with the recent release of ADO.NET Data v1.5 Services CTP 1 , we introduced a new feature called as “Web Friendly Feeds”. What is this feature about ? This is what the markup for one of the the resources of Customers looks like in ADO.NET Data Services v1 . <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <entry xml:base=http://localhost:26503/northwind.svc/ xmlns:d= xmlns:m= xmlns=""> <id>http://localhost:26503/northwind.svc/Customers('ALFKI')</id> <title type="text" /> <updated>2009-03-18T20:30:20Z</updated> <author> <name /> </author> <category term="NorthwindModel.Customers" scheme="" /> <content type="application/xml"> <m:properties> <d:CustomerID>ALFKI</d:CustomerID> <d:CompanyName>Alfreds...

Did you know you could execute batch queries using the Data Services client library ? The API is ExecuteBatch for Synchronous access and Begin/End ExecuteBatch for asynchronous scenarios. 1) Batching a set of URI Queries . The ExecuteBatch API accepts an array of DataServiceRequest objects. Consider this example , you want to batch queries to be sent to the “Products” and “Categories” entity sets of a northwind service. 2) Batching Linq Queries If you want to use strongly types Linq...

I buckled under peer pressure .Here are the pics from the  2nd Annual Astoria Ski Day . Explanations will come soon . If you have a facebook account , here are the same pictures ,tagged. Astoria Ski Day V2

I’ve seen this question quite often on the Astoria forums and wanted to write something down so that our users can gain from the discussions that go on in our forums. We will discuss how one deals with entities ( tables / records / resources ) that participate in an inheritance hierarchy. We shall take the following Data Model to discuss some key scenarios involving the Client Library. //Base Class [DataServiceKey("PersonID")] public class Person { public int PersonID { get;...

I probably brought this onto myself by taking all my vacation time in November to go back home for a month long visit. Now that its December , almost 80% of the team is on vacation and I am in office. Its not just my team , most of my floor in building 35 is on vacation. I hardly see anyone in the hallways nowadays , the silence feels unusual. Most of the people with whom I used to discuss...